About Us


About Tiovivo Salamanca

Home cooks are our legends — that's all there is to it. Tiovivosalamanca is a local area worked by and for kitchen specialists: The cooks who will commit the end of the week to an ideal hamburger bourguignon however love the straightforwardness of a sluggish cooker interpretation, as well. The dough punchers who work over a showstopping 9-layer cake yet will similarly as cheerfully specialist boxed brownies for a wanton weeknight dessert. The performers who simply need a strong bite spread, without lots of messy dishes toward the night's end.

In particular, Tiovivosalamanca associates home cooks with their most noteworthy wellsprings of motivation — other home cooks. We're the world's driving advanced food brand, and that moves us to do all that could be within reach to keep our local area associated. Sixty-million home cooks merit no less.
